Harvard students are at the forefront of shaping solutions to pressing problems.
The HKS Student Policy Review empowers them to share their policy research, insights, and opinions.

The views expressed in The HKS Student Policy Review are those of the author(s) and/or interviewees only, and do not represent the views of the Shorenstein Center, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University, the editors of The HKS Student Policy Review, or any of its affiliates. All content is edited and published by Harvard students.

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Advancing Inclusive Eye Care Policies in Pakistan: An Interview with Sumrana Yasmin


Harvard Medical and Business School student Azeb Yirga interviews Sumrana Yasmin, Deputy Director of Eye Health for Sightsavers, about advancing inclusive eye care policies in Pakistan.


Interview with President of the Ebay Foundation Allie Ottoboni: Corporate Philanthropy


On March 21, 2024, HKS Student Policy Review Senior Editor John McQuillan spoke with Allie Ottoboni. The coversation focused on a range of topics related to corporate philanthropy. The Ebay Foundation, founded in 1988, serves to help fund non-profit organizations that reduce barriers to entrepreneurship and connects Ebay employees to volunteer opportunities as well as […]

Social Innovation and Philanthropy

Bankrolling Change in Massachusetts Schools: A Pathway to LGBTQ+ Inclusion


Blue states like Massachusetts are particularly well-positioned to lead the charge in applying innovative and intensive strategies to protect, support, and nurture queer and marginalized youth.

Education, Training and Labor

Blockchain Contracts: Too Smart To Be Regulated?


Any transaction on a blockchain requires the use of a contract that is itself encoded on a blockchain: a “smart contract.” Blockchain users unfortunately often discover that this so-called smart contract is not as smart as it seems.

Science, Technology and Data

Too Many Cooks in One Kitchen? The Question of US State Regulation over the Crypto Market


With the US Congress unable to pass crypto legislation, state regulators have been taking over the field. As a result, there are discrepancies and differences among US states, negatively impacting consumers and companies. Within a global crypto market, multiple states regulating in the absence of singular, Congressional action is hurting both consumers and businesses.

Business and Regulation

An Effective Public Private Partnership Solution for Addressing Sanitation in Slums: The Suvidha Centers in India


One model to provide sanitation in India’s slums is Suvidha (‘convenience’ in Hindi) centers: modern and large community water and sanitation complexes. The centers provide an important service to the community, provide employment, build capacity among workers and are financially sustainable.

Poverty, Inequality and Opportunity