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Embryo Donation: Prospective Parenthood, Fetal Personhood, and the Reproductive Justice Framework
Introduction Assisted reproductive technology (ART) has become a common part of modern American life. A third of American adults have either undergone some form of fertility treatment or know someone who has.[1] While few Americans bat an eye at the idea of a child born as a result of sperm donations or in vitro fertilization […]
Co-owning Care Work: Policy for Parity
For every 5 hours the average Indian woman spends on unpaid care work in a day, a man spends half an hour—a ratio over three times the global average.[i] Changing this ratio can dismantle entrenched gender roles and arrest the declining participation of women in India’s paid workforce. Alarmingly, between 2006 and 2021, India’s female […]
Alleviating the Impacts of Covid-19 on Women through Economic Development: A Personal Perspective
In October 2021, the Biden Administration released its National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality.[1] In recognition of the barriers that prevent those who identify as women, primarily women of color and trans women, from achieving their full potential, it established the White House Gender Policy Council to execute ten interconnected and intersectional priorities core […]
Is Shared Parental Leave in the UK doing more harm than good?
Shared Parental Leave allows UK parents to split maternity leave between both parents. But does the policy give parents the flexibility and financial security needed?
Work-Family Policy and Its Impact on Mothers in the United States
The United States remains behind its’ global economic peers in providing work-family policy that supports parents maintaining their professional status without sacrificing family responsibilities[i]. This has been particularly damaging to American women, who continue to take on the majority of domestic household duties[ii] and are more likely to sacrifice careers to compensate for family needs […]
The Real Problem with Germany’s New Policy on Migrant Family Reunification
BY KATIE PARRY Over the last month Germany has quietly moved to make family reunification harder for many recently arrived migrants. New rules will mean that migrants given “subsidiary protection” status, which includes at least one in five Syrians, will not be able to bring their families to join them in Germany for at least […]
State Borders Keep Children From Families
BY JENN MENN This piece appeared in our 2015 print journal. You can order your copy here. Introduction to the foster care crisis In the whirl of a brief phone call, a social worker’s car doors shutting in the driveway, and signing a custody paper like a FedEx package, I became mom to three little strangers. […]
This Engagement Season, Let’s Make it Easier for Women to Keep their Last Names
BY CAROLINE GIMMILLARO It’s engagement season. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feeds around the United States are exploding with engagement announcements and offers of congratulations. A deluge of engagement pictures, engagement party invites, and Pinterest wedding boards are sure to follow. For most American women in heterosexual relationships, this excitement will be accompanied by the question […]
Women Benefit Most When Men Take Paternity Leave
BY LAUREN WINDMEYER Last month, Mark Zuckerberg announced that he would take two months paternity leave following the birth of his first child. This announcement exemplifies a trend in the tech world towards improved benefits for new parents – this year alone, Amazon, Netflix, and Microsoft have all announced extended parental leave. This is of […]