electoral politics
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Restricting Reproductive Rights Dooms Regional Growth Prospects
In this article, Marlee Stark argues that failing to frame reproductive rights as an economic issue jeopardizes widespread equitable economic growth.
Autopsy: Nigeria’s 2019 Presidential Election
How did Buhari win? Or, as the opposing camp have asked, how did Atiku lose? This article considers pertinent forces that shaped the election outcome, and argues that technological infrastructure already found in Nigeria holds promising solutions for future elections. Africa’s largest democracy went to the polls to elect a president on the last Saturday […]
Natural Selection in the Political System
BY KOREY TE HIRA Every two years, thousands of Americans run for office promising to “clean up Washington” and usher in a new kind of politics. Why then do we see these same promises being made every election cycle? Looking to nature, we find the answer. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution through natural selection describes […]
Stop Calling it the “Year of the Woman”
BY DINA MONTEMARANO If you’ve been following the US midterm elections, you’ve likely heard the media buzz about how many women are running for elected office this year. They’re calling it “The Year of the Woman.” A record number of female candidates are running for office. 256 women won House and Senate primaries. Sixteen are […]
Interview with Governor Howard Dean: Rebuilding the Democratic Party
BY LIZ HANSON Governor Dean is not interested in rehashing the 2016 election. There are a range of reasons he believes contributed to Secretary Hillary Clinton’s loss on November 8th, but that is all, as he puts it, “hindsight.” While he rattled off a few—globalization, populism, Russian influence, Jim Comey—he was more interested in looking […]
The Changing Role of the Moderator and the Debate
BY LUCY BOYD “That’s how we’ve been crafting our questions, so that Senator X will respond to what Governor Y said about him or a policy he proposed and try to encourage them to actually debate Lincoln-Douglas style as much as possible.” – Jake Tapper, moderator, before second GOP debate on September 16, 2015. The […]