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The High Cost of the Model Minority Myth for Asian and Pacific Islander Americans


BY TRACEY LAM AND JONATHAN HUI “If you say ‘Asian,’ what pops into your head? They think we’re all supposed to be doctors, you know? Or they think we come from a good, rich family. But we don’t.”[i] These words are from Pass or Fail in Cambodia Town, a documentary about the true stories of […]


Getting to Know Your Student Groups


An interview with Allister Chang, President of KSSG By: Malik Siraj Akbar MC/MPA ‘15 Web Editor Malik Siraj Akbar is conducting interviews with student group leaders to highlight the work of these student activities around campus. Here’s the first of the series, with Kennedy School Student Government (KSSG) President Allister Chang. The series will continue […]


Mind the Gap: Connecting the Movement to the Moderates in India and the United States


BY ABIGAIL BELLOWS As pro-democracy revolutions swept the Arab world last year, citizens in the world’s two largest democracies also rose up. In India, a massive anticorruption movement spearheaded by activist Anna Hazare started in April 2011 and boomed in August. In the United States, Occupy Wall Street and its sister movements sprung up in […]


HKS Organizing New Admit Day on Friday


By Malik Siraj Akbar, MC-MPA’ 15, Web Editor For the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) students graduating this May who still can’t believe that it is the time to say good bye to this wonderful school, Friday will come with another earnest reminder about the end of this academic year as the School will be hosting […]


Do Not Wish For the Collapse of the Chinese Communist Party: Kishore Mahbubani


By Malik Siraj Akbar, MC-MPA’ 15, Web Editor “What is one thing that will surprise the future generations of historians when China will overtake the United States as the world’s number one power?” asked one of Asia’s top thinkers, Kishore Mahbubani, to a crowded audience at JFK Forum on Wednesday while delivering this year’s Albert […]


U.S. Safer Today Than Yesterday: CIA Director


By Malik Siraj Akbar, MC-MPA’ 15, Web Editor “I have the world’s best job,” remarked John Brennan, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), in a rare on-the-record conversation at the JFK Jr Forum on Tuesday. He briefly spoke why he loved his job: “I get to work with some of the most intelligent […]


One Student’s 25-Year Dream For Harvard Kennedy School


By Malik Siraj Akbar, Web Editor   In 1991, the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) admitted a young Chinese student, Edward Dianhui Dong, for the MPP program. Devoid of financial resources, Dong did not have the money to come to HKS but he, nevertheless, travelled from China to Cambridge to thank the School staff for accepting […]


Harvard India Conference Kicks Off


By Malik Siraj Akbar  The Harvard India Conference 2015 kicked off at Harvard Kennedy School of Government on Saturday. The event is one of the biggest conferences organized in the United States about the world’s largest democracy. The two-day long conference, which is being organized by Harvard students from different graduate schools, will focus on […]


The HKS brand is Second-to-None


Interview by Malik Siraj Akbar, Web Editor, The Citizen  The Citizen spoke to John Kidenda, the co-chair of the Africa Caucus at the Kennedy School and the activities the caucus organizes. Excerpts: Tell us a little about yourself. What brings you to the Kennedy School? My name is John Kidenda and I am from Kenya. I […]


HKS Arab Caucus: An Interview With the Co-Chairs


By Malik Siraj Akbar, Web Editor, The Citizen Continuing our series of interviews with the representatives of different student groups here at the Kennedy School, this week we are publishing an interview with the co-chairs of the Arab Caucus, Khaled Kteily and Fayrouz Saad. Tell us a little about yourselves. What brings you to the […]


HKS Student Events Digest (December 1-6, 2014)


  Prepared by: Malik Siraj Akbar, Web Editor, The Citizen    Guest Speaker Event  When: December 1 at 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Where: L-330 The Childhood PIC will host Neil McQuarrie, MPA 2014, who will speak about his experiences at Wraparound, Milwaukee. Contact: Jenn Menn:   Discussion on Affordable Care Act When: December […]


Murder of Pakistani Governor Incites Public Controversy over Blasphemy Law


By Imran Sarwar, News Writer, MPP ‘13 On October 1st, Pakistan’s anti-terrorism court sentenced Malik Mumtaz Qadri to death for his self-confessed murderer of former governor of Punjab province, Salman Taseer. The case has become a political flashpoint for the country, where fundamental clashes between secular and religious ideologies have seeped gradually into nearly every […]