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Journal of Hispanic Policy

Topic / Gender, Race and Identity

Policy PodCast Interview with Congressman Luis Gutierrez

Bienvenidos! Welcome to the PolicyCast of the Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy. Immigration Reform is unquestionably one of the most important political topics for Latinos in the United States. Our communities endure more deportations, live deeper in the shadows, and suffer most from the patchwork of laws that make up our immigration system. For 20 years no national figure has been more vocal in his support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform than Congressman Luis Gutierrez. A native of Chicago he has represented Illinois 4th district in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1993; when he became the first Latino from the Midwest to be elected to Congress. We discuss the wide range of issues regarding immigration reform. From the differences between the current legislative efforts and Reagan’s amnesty bill in the 1980s’, to his more favored piece-meal approach, and the recent hullabaloo surrounding his contentious falling out with the National Immigrant Youth alliance (NIYA). We hope you enjoy it.