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Duty and Liability: A Case for Preserving Qualified Immunity
While qualified immunity is invoked sparingly, its existence provides breathing room for public officials, particularly law enforcement officers to do their jobs effectively.
Reviving Comstock: Unveiling the Anti-Abortion Strategy in Post-Roe America
The Comstock Act is a significant impediment to reproductive freedom and access to safe, effective abortions. Pro-choice stakeholders must recognize the urgency of addressing this outdated legislation that uses 1800s social standards to regulate the bodies of people in 2024.
American States Are Quietly Embracing the ‘Baby Bonds’ Revolution to Fight Inequality
As inequality rises because of the combined curse of growing inherited wealth and the perpetuation of the generational transmission of poverty, baby bonds appear to be a powerful tool to tackle one of the major challenges of the 21st century.
Rethinking Local Economic Development: Why Should Local Governments Handle Tax Incentives with Care?
Evidence on the spillover effects of tax incentives is mixed and ambiguous while evidence on the impact of tax incentives on revenue loss for public services is clear. It is time for voters and politicians to use tax incentives with care, given their high costs and controversial benefits.
Examining the Unintended Impacts of the “Resort Zone Provision” in Honolulu, Hawaii…and a Potential Solution
In Honolulu, Hawaii, land use laws have been leveraged as a tool to manage the impact of tourism on the city. These laws should be changed to offer greater protection to local residents.
Justice for…a Few: Racial Disparity in the Criminal Justice System of the United States
We need a system that protects minorities from being victims of unpunished crime and from criminalization. We must become a society that no longer takes skin color as a reason to justify the unjustifiable.
Reproductive Rights Extend to Sexual Education As Well
Comprehensive sexual education empowers youth to exercise their sexual rights and allows for safer sexual practices in the future.
Interview with Niall Ferguson: U.S.-China Relations
On February 28, 2024, HKS Student Policy Review Senior Editor Nikolas Neos spoke with Niall Ferguson, the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, about U.S.-China relations.
While House Republicans Sleep
Another American withdrawal from the world stage is threatening to imbalance the global order and throw Europe into a new age of darkness.
George Orwell’s Dystopian World is Coming to Life and the European AI Act Will Not Stop It: The Collection of Emotional Data by AI
As AI-based emotion recognition systems proliferate with little regulation, our feelings are transformed into data that can manipulate us, threatening a dystopian future where our mental privacy no longer exists.
Medicare Part B as in Biologic: A Descriptive Analysis of Medicare Part B Drug Spending and Policy Analysis Over the Last Decade
Without focused reform, Medicare Part B drug spending will continue to grow at a faster rate than any other section in Medicare.
A New Draft for America? A Service Year by Young Americans Would Protect America and Maybe Heal It Along the Way
The idea of a service year for young Americans has been floated around for decades but with no substantive action. A definitive first step to push young Americans in a year of service starts with encouraging colleges to require them before matriculation or to weigh the experience heavily in admissions decisions.