Fairness and Justice
From racial equity, to the climate, to education, and beyond, how can we build societies that are more fair and just? How do we improve access and opportunity for all?
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Arrested Development: Law Enforcement’s Delayed Tech Policy Evolution Leaves Citizens Susceptible to Fourth Amendment Violations
The growing intimacy between people’s lives and their devices is why law enforcement must be required to obtain a warrant before accessing cell phones, tablets, or laptops. Anything short of this standard leaves the public vulnerable to Fourth Amendment violations.Explore all Articles
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African health conference sparks conversation on healthcare development in Africa
The Harvard Chan School of Public Health recently hosted the first-ever Africa Health Conference from February 18th to 19th, 2023, bringing together students, faculty, activists, global health leaders, and a community of scholars. Organized by the Harvard Chan Africa Health Students Forum, the conference aimed to celebrate successes in healthcare across the continent while also […]
Net Zero Racism: A call for a global framework and urgent action to end racism worldwide
“I can’t breathe,” said a dying 46-year-old George Floyd as a white Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, pressed his knee on his neck for nine and a half minutes until he died. It was a murder that shook the entire world, sparking global outrage and spotlighting the insidious spectre of racism in modern America. Over […]
Judiciary and Law Enforcement in Singapore Inc.
Ben Chester Cheong argues that Singapore’s unique political and legal system helped lay the foundation for the country’s economic growth. He points to Singapore’s high-quality judiciary which is trusted by its citizens to deliver principled and fair outcomes, as well as its use of deterrence which has enabled its reputation as one of the safest cities in the world.
Diasporic Anti-Racism
African history did not begin and end with the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It began with the birth and advancement of human civilization. Ancient Africans weren’t barbaric and uncultured, but the progenitors of modern humanity. From the world’s oldest universities and empires to the shapers of society, Africa was the foundation of humanity. Across the world, […]
Harvard stole farmland in Brazil for years. Now they’re trying to walk away. The communities they’ve harmed deserve justice.
Palmerina Ferreira Lima was a small-scale farmer in the Brazilian Cerrado, until her land was stolen. At the age of 77, she watched a company put up fences to keep her out and build a massive industrial soy plantation. In the decade since they seized her and her neighbors’ property, the project has nearly dried […]
Harvard President: Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery
From the Anti-Racism Policy Journal Editorial Board: The Anti-Racism Policy Journal recognizes that Harvard is finally acknowledging it’s relationship with the legacy of slavery. Harvard must continue this work to unearth the stories of the enslaved. Harvard must continue to work to make reparations for the generations of people affected by the enslavement of their […]
The Streets Speak in Tongues
I comb through the accent of my adolescent street views and patterns. Deciphering the moral compass that orients its existence. In morse code street peddlers dot, dit, and dash cash flows Bringing movement to our traffic jammed economy. This is a revolt against our arrested feats. Pinned down political beats, whose sub frequencies have yet […]
Resources to Help People in Ukraine Find Opportunities to Escape the Current War: A Student-Led Anti-Racism Policy Journal Initiative
The Anti-Racism Policy Journal is working with the community to begin to crowd-source information to help people in Ukraine. Please fill out this form if you want to share other resources available to those in Ukraine. https://forms.gle/4MPsoBLUnkJfsmnDA The current list of resources for people in Ukraine can be found below: Click here Photo credit: Jorono
Friends Reach Out
It has been tough. I feel I’ve forgotten how to have fun, forgotten that it is actually possible to have fun, feel sometimes that I’m letting myself go. But the very cause of my rage and disappointment sometimes takes me out of this discomfort zone I’ve created for myself: human beings. My mornings are usually […]
Remembering Malcolm
February 21 Marks 53 Years Since the Death of Malcolm X: A Martyr in the Fight for Anti-Racism
Digital Innovation for a Crime Control Strategy in Mexico City
Crime, violence, and a weak rule of law are among Mexico’s most pressing issues. In 2018, the country was ranked 99 out of 102 countries in terms of Order and Security in the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index (WJP 2019). Mexico City is not the exception, where crimes have increased by 58% in […]
We Must Exist Beyond Our Communities
Since 18 October 2019 in Chile, the majority of the population has demanded a new constitution to break away from the neoliberalism of the dictator Pinochet; a new constitution was drawn up by an elected Constitutional Assembly representative of all Chileans, including indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants