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The Saudi Form of Democracy: How Women Got to Drive


Introduction  To what extent are state-led social interventions for women authoritarian? Western literature on the Middle East, and in particular on Saudi Arabia, suggests decision-making is centralized and a result of enlightened despots such Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS). But this approach misses upward dialogue initiated by citizenry to communicate desired rights for women to leaderships. […]

Diasporic Anti-Racism


African history did not begin and end with the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It began with the birth and advancement of human civilization. Ancient Africans weren’t barbaric and uncultured, but the progenitors of modern humanity. From the world’s oldest universities and empires to the shapers of society, Africa was the foundation of humanity. Across the world, […]

Gender, Race and Identity

The Streets Speak in Tongues


I comb through the accent of my adolescent street views and patterns. Deciphering the moral compass that orients its existence. In morse code street peddlers dot, dit, and dash cash flows Bringing movement to our traffic jammed economy. This is a revolt against our arrested feats. Pinned down political beats, whose sub frequencies have yet […]

The War on Ukraine: Time for a Feminist Foreign Policy?


On February 26, two days after Russia invaded Ukraine, a friend’s roommate took shelter in a bunker in Kyiv. There, she witnessed the birth of a baby boy. Luckily, a doctor was amongst those present. Handing the newborn to the young father, the doctor told him, “The next time you have a baby, I hope […]

International Relations and Security

Advancing Abortion Rights from the Constitutional Court to the University Classroom


“My body, my choice!” screamed thousands of women in unison as they waved their emblematic green handkerchiefs in Plaza de Bolivar turning Bogotá into the most recent battlefield of women’s fight towards reproductive autonomy. Colombian feminist collectives are following the example of their Mexican and Argentinian peers in demanding the full legalization of abortion[1]. Abortion […]


Gender policies to bring mothers back to work in Peru


A more efficient allocation of daycare centers, aligned with urban production centers, could allow Peruvian companies to avoid disruption of work, open spaces for women to enter or re-enter the labor market and invest in their current and future workforce. Fewer countries have been hit by the pandemic than Peru, exposing its unstable labor market. […]

Latin America’s Challenges and International Cooperation, an Interview with Isabel Guerrero


How do you think the common challenges of Latin America have changed in the past twenty years? In the early 2000s we were discussing the middle-income trap and how to deal with the dependency of commodities of Latin America. One of the aspects that has changed in the last twenty years has been the perception […]

Gender, Race and Identity

Frances Perkins: The Leader Today’s American Workers Need


COVID-19 exposes injustice in the workforce. Frances Perkins offers a model to fix it. We are only beginning to understand the economic repercussions of COVID-19. In less than two months, more than 30 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits, eliminating all of the jobs gained since the 2007-2009 Great Recession. The pandemic has brought unprecedented […]

In Humanitarian Crises, Periods are a Public Health Issue


Last April, cyclone Idai killed over a thousand people and displaced over three million across Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Of those affected, approximately 650,000 people were particularly at risk – because they have periods. Menstrual hygiene is an urgent public health and policy issue that is frequently overlooked during humanitarian relief operations. It is time […]

Gender, Race and Identity

Women in Peacekeeping: Moving from Numbers to Leadership


In 1993, women represented only 1% of all UN uniformed personnel deployed in peacekeeping missions. In 2017, women peacekeepers remained at 4%, far from the UN target of 15%. The role of women in peacekeeping operations (PKOs)—not only as a matter of principle, but as a necessary condition for their success—has only become widely accepted […]

Gender, Race and Identity

Female Resiliency in Roma: A Tale of Two Women


Alfonso Cuaron’s most recent film is named after one of Mexico City’s upper-class neighborhoods, Roma. For those who live abroad but call Mexico City home, watching the film is like taking a nostalgic trip to our past, uncovering buried memories. For me, it was a specific memory of when I lived in the neighborhood of […]

Gender, Race and Identity

Lifting Up Women’s Voices While Challenging the Binary


Women’s spaces are stronger when they include transgender voices. When I returned to my home city after college, I found community in the feminist collective. I attended radical craft nights, “ladies only” urban bike rides, and late-night discussions in garages where women led conversations on topics like rape culture, and men sat on the outside, […]

Gender, Race and Identity

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