United Arab Emirates
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Engulfed: Reading the tea leaves on Qatar’s ostracization
Very rich, heavily armed states are engaged in brinkmanship in the world’s most conflict-prone region. This doesn’t end well – for anyone.
Out of sight, out of mind? Blocking Doha News in Qatar
For nearly eight years, one of the few sources of meaningful journalism about life inside Qatar – as opposed to the the gas- and oil-rich country’s dealings abroad – has been Doha News. Yet since the close of November, the online site’s articles on cultural, economic, and policy developments have been blocked in the one […]
Power play: The United Arab Emirates’ new approach to geopolitics
The United Arab Emirates’ increased use of hard power could corrode diplomatic ties and weaken its position vis-a-vis regional adversaries.
Middle East eyes renewable energy for a post-oil world
The Middle East is home to massive oil reserves, but some countries in the region are making headway in a very different field: renewable energy.
Kigali climate change deal: Will the Middle East keep its cool?
On October 15, in Kigali, Rwanda, more than 170 countries signed a legally binding accord to phase out the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a powerful greenhouse gas commonly used in air conditioners and refrigerators. The deal could stop the equivalent of 70 billion tons of carbon dioxide from being emitted into the atmosphere, approximately twice […]