Syrian refugees
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Empowerment and compassion in refugee crisis response: A conversation with UNHCR MENA Director Amin Awad
“Having worked all over the world on a range of emergencies over the last 30 years, community resilience is something that I have witnessed in every situation, without fail. The strength of the human spirit to triumph over adversity never ceases to amaze me.”

Worsening gaps in education for Syrian refugees: Lessons from the early education response in Jordan
As the Syrian refugee crisis continues, reflecting on educational provision for refugee children in Jordan demands a move beyond the crisis approach.

The Balkan Refugee Route – Three Years On
BY ZIAD RESLAN Adnan lifts his shirt to reveal bruising covering almost his entire body. The only interruption to the purple are deep red scars, the result, he says, of trying to cross the border between Serbia and Hungary 19 times. Each time, he has been apprehended, beaten up and pushed back to Serbia. He […]
Art in Antep: An activist’s collaborative spurs creative connections on the border with Syria
Along the porous border between Syria and Turkey lies the notorious city of Gaziantep — a city making waves in the media as a regional capitol for spooks and spicy kebabs. Called “Antep” for short (formerly known as Ayintab, the sister city to Aleppo in Syria), Gaziantep is also — surprisingly for some — […]
The Migration Crisis Facing the Arab World: Q&A with Dr. Noora Lori
Dr. Noora Lori is an Assistant Professor of International Relations at Boston University. Her research broadly focuses on the political economy of migration, the development of security institutions and international migration control, and the establishment and growth of national identity systems. She is particularly interested in the study of temporary worker programs and racial hierarchies […]
The Real Problem with Germany’s New Policy on Migrant Family Reunification
BY KATIE PARRY Over the last month Germany has quietly moved to make family reunification harder for many recently arrived migrants. New rules will mean that migrants given “subsidiary protection” status, which includes at least one in five Syrians, will not be able to bring their families to join them in Germany for at least […]
“On the Bride’s Side”: Bringing Humanity Back to Human Relations
After meeting five Syrian and Palestinian refugees trying to make their way from Milan to Sweden in the quest for asylum, an Italian journalist and a Palestinian poet decide to help them by faking a wedding. After all, “what border policeman would ever stop a bride to check her documents?[1]” As part of this […]
From Liberia to Syria: The Diaspora Project
There are many transitional justice mechanisms available but identifying the right one for Syria depends upon the needs of its people. The Liberian Diaspora Project was innovative because it was the first of its kind to include Liberians that were living outside of the state borders. Since over half of the Syrian population is currently […]