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While House Republicans Sleep
Another American withdrawal from the world stage is threatening to imbalance the global order and throw Europe into a new age of darkness.

Fight Like a Girl: Russian Feminists Leading the Resistance Against the Invasion of Ukraine
Abstract In a patriarchal country like Russia with “traditional” values endorsed by the official Kremlin propaganda, the first organized group[i] to confront the government after Putin’s declaration of the invasion of Ukraine was paradoxically comprised of feminists. Within 24 hours, they mobilized to form the Feminist Anti-War Resistance (FAR). For an embarrassingly long time, they […]

Building Shared Resilience in the EU and Ukraine as a Path to Counter Russia
The best strategy for the EU and NATO to contain Putin’s regime is by focusing on strengthening Ukraine’s resilience and making Ukraine a successful state. In creating more economic opportunities and prosperity in Ukraine, the West will stimulate the Russian people to demand better living conditions for themselves.
Let’s Call Chechnya’s Systematic Murder of LGBT+ Individuals What it Is
In 2018, Maksim Lapunov became one of the most widely known victims of a government-sanctioned purge of gay, bisexual, transgender, and other non-heterosexual men and those who did not conform to traditional gender norms in the Chechen Republic, Russia.[i] He alleged that for twelve days, the government of the Chechen Republic unlawfully detained him in Grozny, […]
Syria Needs Cross-Border Aid. Washington Needs Focus.
The war in Syria continues to constitute one of the most complex contexts in the Middle East today, with few realistic policy solutions available to end the conflict. That said, the upcoming July 10 debate over the renewal of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2533 (UNSCR 2533) concerning cross-border humanitarian aid marks a flashpoint that […]
What’s in a deal anyway: Idlib DMZ violations harm peace process
The Idlib de-militarized zone (DMZ) deal is a powerful tool for advancing peace, but only if Turkey and Russia commit the resources to properly enforce it. The implementation of the Idlib DMZ holds powerful consequences for the ongoing Syrian constitutional committee and the broader peace process.
Do you really mean to call it “Russia’s” meddling?
BY KATYA KLINOVA My great-grandfather went through four labor camps during World War II and died in the fifth one. We try to keep the memory of him alive in the family, and when I tell his story to my school-age nephews, I consider it extremely important to refer to those death camps not as […]
Trump’s Press Conference with Putin Was Bad. His Comments on Montenegro Are Worse.
BY MARK FOGEL Last July, President Donald Trump’s trip to Europe became noteworthy for his antagonism toward legacy North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies like Germany and his even more headline-grabbing press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in which Trump publicly doubted Russia’s interference in the 2016 US presidential election. However shocking these may […]
Turkey in the Age of Trump: A Path forward for US-Turkey Relations
BY TYLER RODGERS Shortly after midnight on New Year’s Day, a lone ISIS-inspired gunman launched an attack at a popular Istanbul nightclub that killed thirty-nine and injured sixty-five more. The rampage signaled an inauspicious start to 2017 in Turkey and offered evidence that the tumultuous events of the previous year—including an attempted military coup and […]
President Trump: Distressed Asset
BY MATTHEW HASSETT Last week, President Trump released a letter from his tax attorneys in response to Senator Lindsay Graham’s interest in the Trump Organization’s financial ties to Russia. It raises far more questions than answers. Despite all sorts of speculation and inquiry about President Trump’s labyrinthine real estate empire and the sizable potential for conflicts of interest, President […]
Prospects for peace in Syria: Can Trump help?
According to Robert Ford, former US Ambassador to Syria, there is “not much” the United States can do to shape the outcome of the conflict.
To Assad and his admirers, Trump offers ‘hope and change’
Donald Trump has vowed to end US support for Syrian rebel groups, delighting backers of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.