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Absolute Sovereignty Exceptions as well as Legal Obligations of States to Protect the Rights of LGBTQI and Gender Diverse Persons (GDP)*
Section 1: Introduction[iv] Within this paper, we analyze three African country contexts—Nigeria, South Africa, and Uganda—in terms of absolute sovereignty exceptions as well as legal obligations of States to protect the rights of LGBTQI and GDP. In Africa, membership to the African Union (AU) could be regarded as one way in which states have agreed […]
Op-Ed: To effectively combat COVID-19, Africa needs to play offense
I am worried about Africa’s preparedness for the COVID-19 outbreak, and so should everybody else. As at the beginning of March, there were only four cases in Africa spread across Egypt, Algeria and Nigeria. Since then, at least 46 out of 54 countries in Africa have reported cases of COVID-19. On March 28 2020, roughly four […]
Autopsy: Nigeria’s 2019 Presidential Election
How did Buhari win? Or, as the opposing camp have asked, how did Atiku lose? This article considers pertinent forces that shaped the election outcome, and argues that technological infrastructure already found in Nigeria holds promising solutions for future elections. Africa’s largest democracy went to the polls to elect a president on the last Saturday […]