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Taking the Lede: A Challenge & A Commitment


By Tommy Tobin, Editor-in-Chief The Kennedy School community is full of wonderfully kind people committed to asking themselves what they can do to make their communities and this world a better place. In this issue, we’re fortunate to have Matt Clemons, Director of HKS Admissions, to welcome the newest members of our community. We are also […]

Welcome from the Office of Admissions


By Matt Clemons Orientation and the start of classes are always an exciting time for those of us in the Admissions Office. We travel, we read, we analyze, we deliberate, and finally pick a class we feel will learn well together. Seeing the results of our labor in the form of new students walking around […]

Call for Submissions

Join the HKS Student Policy Review—

to research, write, and learn about policy in a new way. We offer Harvard students an opportunity to engage with the most important policy issues of our time, across a whole range of topics and regions.