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Silicon Valley Can Meet its Cybersecurity Obligation Through a New Cyber Corps


Silicon Valley has an obligation to secure America’s technology infrastructure. Here is how they can help.

Cybersecurity doesn’t win votes, but it saves lives


Times are tough for Americans right now. The immediacy of the chaos and costs introduced by COVID-19, the economic recession, and the election have dominated headlines and political agendas, so it’s understandable that candidates placed cybersecurity on the backburner. That inattention, though, only exacerbated the likelihood that the United States would be subject to an […]

What is the Right Price for Cybersecurity?


BY JEFFREY VOTH Former NSA Director, Mike McConnell recognized the agency was trapped in a slow-motion cybersecurity crisis long before explosive security breaches were revealed by The New York Times. “We have had a train wreck coming,” Mr. McConnell said. Cybersecurity will be a significant portion of the FY 2018 federal budget with more than […]

"Yes We Ban"

Turkey’s Broad(band) Aspirations


When it comes to IT, tech-savvy Turkey has big potential and ambitions – but could be hampered by government censorship and wary investors.

Science, Technology and Data

A European Perspective on the Protection of Personal Data in Cyberspace


BY NIKOLAS OTT AND HUGO ZYLBERBERG Practical yet effective digital data regulations are an enormous policy challenge. Both in the United States and in Europe, businesses, privacy-advocacy groups, and government all have competing interests, and they are struggling to find a workable solution. Meanwhile, machines are tracking their users in an ever-increasing number of ways. […]

Cyberspace: ‘Everyone can attack everyone else’


Eviatar Matania, the head of Israel’s National Cyber Bureau, spoke at Harvard’s Belfer Center on the unique properties of the cyber domain, and how governments can bolster their defenses in cyberspace. Cyberattacks are nothing new. But they are becoming more sophisticated, and more frequent. This year alone, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians were left in […]

Science, Technology and Data

Securing the Smart City


BY BENJAMIN GOH In 2015, Business Insider magazine predicted ten million self-driving vehicles will be on US roads in the next five years.[i] While many people are eagerly awaiting the ability to read, eat, or check email as their cars themselves do the driving, this raises a whole host of critical questions. Who is at fault if […]

Techno-Populism Won’t Help in the Apple vs FBI Debate


BY HUGO ZYLBERBERG When I first read Tim Cook’s “Message to [Apple’s] customers,” I felt on the receiving end of a marketing push. Sure, I agree the government should not be able to read my online diary, and sure, I agree the government should not be able to weaken encryption for everyone. But the real […]

Apple’s Encryption Battle: February 17, 1984/2016


BY KATIE D’HONDT Today, Apple released an open letter defying the U.S. government, the first of its kind. In the wake of the San Bernardino attack, a U.S. federal judge has mandated that Apple build software that will allow the government to break the encryption that safeguards the data of all Apple products – a […]

US and China Reach Historic “Cyber Arms Control Agreement” – But Will Anything Come of It?


BY JESSICA ZUCKER Standing side-by-side in the White House rose garden on September 25, U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that they had reached a “common understanding” to combat “cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property.” In a widely anticipated announcement, the two leaders also agreed to respond to requests for law enforcement […]

The Return of the Crypto Wars


BY HUGO ZYLBERBERG General Keith Alexander maintained in a 2013 speech that, as director of the National Security Agency (NSA) at the time, he was doing “everything [he] could to protect civil liberties and privacy,” then added a warning: “Everyone also understands that if we give up a capability that is critical to the defense […]

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