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Turkey’s Broad(band) Aspirations
When it comes to IT, tech-savvy Turkey has big potential and ambitions – but could be hampered by government censorship and wary investors.
Turkey’s long road to repression
Erdoğan has revealed himself to be the Turkish embodiment of what we in Europe and the US can now appreciate up close: populist, far-right politics.
From ‘parallel state’ to ‘terrorist organization’: Dissecting Erdoğan’s labeling of Gülen
Embed from Getty Images For Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, enemies are everywhere. His speeches and official comments are littered with references to the hostile elements lurking in Turkey, the so-called “parallel state.” Erdoğan has long used the “parallel state” term to refer to the movement founded in the early 1970s by Turkish Muslim […]