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A photo of the Texas Statehouse

Regardless of Roe: How the Texas GOP Perfected the Anti-Abortion Playbook


Texas serves as a model for making abortion nearly unattainable, even while constitutionally protected. The fight for safe and legal abortion cannot end at SB8, nor can it end at keeping Roe intact in its current form. It has to go further.

Advancing Abortion Rights from the Constitutional Court to the University Classroom


“My body, my choice!” screamed thousands of women in unison as they waved their emblematic green handkerchiefs in Plaza de Bolivar turning Bogotá into the most recent battlefield of women’s fight towards reproductive autonomy. Colombian feminist collectives are following the example of their Mexican and Argentinian peers in demanding the full legalization of abortion[1]. Abortion […]

Fetal Heartbeat Bills Protect No One


  Katya* was on her fifth pregnancy and still without a child. When I met her this summer on the Maternal Fetal Medicine service, she had experienced three miscarriages and terminated one pregnancy. She is a carrier of a genetic mutation that prevents her pregnancies from surviving both inside and outside of the womb. Advances […]

“Radical Acts of Community Care”: Lessons from Bail and Abortion Funds


Desiree,[1] 40-year-old mother of two children, wanted to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. As she had health insurance through Medicaid, it did not cover abortion, and the full cost of the procedure was more than she could afford. Kim, a pregnant mother of two, was arrested and needed $2,500 to post bail, which is prohibitively expensive. […]


What American Politics Can Learn from Ireland’s Abortion Referendum


BY BEN MCGUIRE On Friday, May 25, 2018, the Republic of Ireland may be one of the first nations in history to legalize abortion by referendum. If the motion passes—recent polling has tightened to a very close race—Ireland will join much of the world over the last few decades in a trend toward relaxing abortion […]

Fight for Reproductive Rights in Texas Continues Even After Supreme Court Ruling


BY LAUREN WINDMEYER For a woman in Lubbock, Texas to access an abortion provider, she must get in her car and drive 350 miles to the nearest clinic in Fort Worth. She must arrive at the clinic a full 24 hours before her procedure to receive an ultrasound, as mandated by the state. If she […]

Sex-Selective Abortion Bans in the Wake of the ACA: Gendered Perspectives on Son Preference and a Reproductive Justice Framework


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has many implications for Asian Pacific Islander American (API) women’s reproductive and sexual health, including provisions calling for preventive services, increased funding for mental health and community health centers, and ethnically disaggregated data collection. The political climate following the passage of the ACA has given rise to […]

Gender, Race and Identity

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