2016 Election
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Interview: Brynna Quillin, Democratic Field Organizer, Reflects on the Presidential Race
BY ANDY VO Brynna Quillin has stamina. You can tell by the way the second-year Master in Public Policy student braved New Hampshire cold and rain, organizing hundreds of Harvard students to knock on more than 8,000 doors for Hillary Clinton. By the way she supported her peers after the unexpected election results, with cheerful […]
The Trump Triumph: Looking Back and Moving Forward Together
BY BOBBIE RAGSDALE Thoroughly unexpected by nearly all on both sides of the aisle, Donald Trump defied the polls Tuesday and proved the existence of a Silent Majority, so often referenced, but whose existence is so often denied. They voted for a multitude of reasons, most of which had little to do with what the […]
What the US Presidential Election Can Teach Us about Civic Engagement
BY CLAIRE CHAUMONT I consider myself a fairly engaged citizen. I have voted in all major French elections. I have demonstrated several times for causes I valued. I have participated in political debates, conferences, and forums. I am a Political Science major after all. But I have never joined any organized political action. Rather, I […]
Why This Election Made Us Hate Ourselves
BY VANESSA CALDER It’s the day of the 2016 presidential election, and only a matter of hours before the next President of the United States is revealed. There’s not a phone call left to be made, or a door left to be knocked on in pursuit of our favored candidate. Instead, there’s only a quiet […]
I Went to a Donald Trump Rally and Here’s What I Learned
BY SEBASTIAN LEAPE We’ve heard a lot about Trump’s past recently, but less about what the future of a Trump presidency would actually look like. I went to a Trump rally in Laconia, New Hampshire on September 15 to hear his pitch in full to try and figure it out. Behind the bluster, there is […]
Millennials, Your Vote Matters. Really.
BY MICHAEL ALTER Americans are bad at voting. Okay, maybe that’s a bit harsh, but the U.S. ranked 27th among developed countries with only 53.6 percent of its voting-age population casting votes in the 2012 presidential election. Meanwhile, Belgium, the top-ranked country, had 87.2 percent of its voting-age population vote in its 2014 election. This […]
Let’s Admit That Our Presidential Debates Are Rigged
BY BEN BLINK I was disappointed last week to learn that Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson was officially excluded from the three U.S. presidential debates. The two-term New Mexico governor, who cares equally about reducing budget deficits, protecting civil liberties, and improving the justice system, will not get a podium. I was frustrated, but hardly […]
Shattering the Glass Ceiling: My Time at the Democratic National Convention
BY BRYNNA QUILLIN Crammed into a narrow hallway leading to the convention hall, I stood on my tiptoes to locate the podium on stage above the ponytails and tall “Hillary” signs. For months I had been eagerly awaiting Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention. Clutching the “USA” and “Michelle” signs I had scavenged […]
Black votes matter
Black, White, Republican, and Democratic voters know and care about issues affecting the Black community more than ever before. In this unique election, candidates from both parties can’t afford to ignore these issues. This election cycle is unlike any other in American history. Black people have experienced endemic police brutality since 2012. In fact, according […]
Fear and Loathing in New Hampshire: Five Takeaways from the Republican Presidential Debate
BY ANDREAS WESTGAARD This weekend, I had the opportunity to attend the Republican presidential debate in Manchester, New Hampshire. Just five days after the Iowa caucus, this past Saturday’s debate was important for the current frontrunners and even more crucial for those contenders hoping to remain relevant after the Granite State’s primary on February 9. […]
New Hampshire: A Reason to be Proud
BY LUCY BOYD Driving from Boston to Manchester, N.H., on Friday through the blistering blizzard weather, I had no idea what to expect. As someone from New Orleans, this was my first primary election (and first drive through a snow storm, I might add). We arrived at the Hilton Hotel to news crews, volunteers, […]
Democrats Have Become Too Complacent
BY WILL EBERLE Democrats have long prided themselves on being the big tent party, representing minorities and women to a greater degree than Republicans. It has become such an ingrained part of the party mentality that it is hard to conceive of an alternate future in which Democrats lose the support of such groups in […]