By Simon R. Bone, Editor-in-Chief
HKS students enjoying pre-game festivities in Memorial Park on the evening of Saturday 28th September were caught in the aftermath of a violent crime.
“We missed the attack by about five minutes. There was no one at the park when we arrived. The first we heard about the stabbing is when a police officer declared our picnic a crime scene!” said a student who wishes to remain anonymous.
It is alleged that the victim appears to have known his or her assailant but is not providing information to law enforcement officers. The case is now with the District Attorney’s office. Emergency alerts were issued to the community by Harvard police as soon as the incident was known.
The reported crime comes almost three weeks after another stabbing in the same area. On September 8th, a man was reportedly stabbed several times just outside the Park near the intersection of JFK Street and Memorial Drive.
When contacted by The Citizen Cambridge Police Department spokesperson Daniel M. Riviello said that the park was normally very peaceful but because of these recent incidents all three police forces (Harvard, Cambridge and State) would be increasing patrols of the area and asked the public to remain vigilant.