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Data Sharing in the Age of COVID-19: Why EHR Vendors Need a Closer Look


Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, insufficient health data sharing among electronic health record (EHR) systems in the U.S. has hindered our efforts to track the virus, contain its spread, and treat our most vulnerable patients. An effective COVID-19 response requires timely and coordinated information sharing across all layers of the health care system. Although medical […]

Making The Cut: The Ramifications of Drug Pricing Reform in the U.S.


Astronomically high drug prices are not a new issue in the wild world that is United States healthcare. The U.S. tends to spend far more on the same prescription medications than most of the world, and this has significant impacts on patients’ health and financial outcomes. Forty percent of patients attribute difficulty affording medications as […]

Diasporic Anti-Racism


African history did not begin and end with the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It began with the birth and advancement of human civilization. Ancient Africans weren’t barbaric and uncultured, but the progenitors of modern humanity. From the world’s oldest universities and empires to the shapers of society, Africa was the foundation of humanity. Across the world, […]

Gender, Race and Identity

The Streets Speak in Tongues


I comb through the accent of my adolescent street views and patterns. Deciphering the moral compass that orients its existence. In morse code street peddlers dot, dit, and dash cash flows Bringing movement to our traffic jammed economy. This is a revolt against our arrested feats. Pinned down political beats, whose sub frequencies have yet […]

Cover Photo Op-Ed

What Public Health Insurance Agencies Can Learn from Private Health Insurance Firms


The COVID-19 pandemic and the health inequities it revealed strengthened the case for universal health coverage (UHC), a discussion that was already topical pre-pandemic, with many countries in sub-Saharan Africa launching health insurance schemes as their vehicles for achieving UHC. Although there are success stories from countries like Rwanda, questions have been raised about the […]

Congress Giveth, and Treasury Taketh Away


Congressionally mandated funds for COVID relief are under threat from an over-reaching Treasury. Arizona is right to fight back. Parents in the state of Arizona are finally seeing the light at the end of the COVID tunnel. Many struggled to manage their children’s remote learning while keeping their full-time jobs during the worst of the […]

A photo of the Texas Statehouse

Regardless of Roe: How the Texas GOP Perfected the Anti-Abortion Playbook


Texas serves as a model for making abortion nearly unattainable, even while constitutionally protected. The fight for safe and legal abortion cannot end at SB8, nor can it end at keeping Roe intact in its current form. It has to go further.

The education crisis, a war we cannot lose


Interview to Jaime Saavedra, Global Director Education World Bank To give us some context, what is the post-covid situation of education in LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean) compared with the rest of the world? We cannot talk about post-covid because we are not yet out of the woods. With this in mind, this is […]

Chilean pension system: what is at stake?


The aging process is unstoppable. We need to adapt ourselves to the demographic transition and build the right policies to deal with this. Using the population projections by the United Nations and the labor force participation by the World Bank, Latin America has 5.2 potential workers[1] per elder; by 2040, that ratio would be 3, […]

Advancing Abortion Rights from the Constitutional Court to the University Classroom


“My body, my choice!” screamed thousands of women in unison as they waved their emblematic green handkerchiefs in Plaza de Bolivar turning Bogotá into the most recent battlefield of women’s fight towards reproductive autonomy. Colombian feminist collectives are following the example of their Mexican and Argentinian peers in demanding the full legalization of abortion[1]. Abortion […]


Gender policies to bring mothers back to work in Peru


A more efficient allocation of daycare centers, aligned with urban production centers, could allow Peruvian companies to avoid disruption of work, open spaces for women to enter or re-enter the labor market and invest in their current and future workforce. Fewer countries have been hit by the pandemic than Peru, exposing its unstable labor market. […]

We Must Exist Beyond Our Communities


Since 18 October 2019 in Chile, the majority of the population has demanded a new constitution to break away from the neoliberalism of the dictator Pinochet; a new constitution was drawn up by an elected Constitutional Assembly representative of all Chileans, including indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants

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