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The Quest for Sexual Reproductive Health Rights in Morocco


In this article, Yasmina Benslimane gives an overview of the current deadly situation of abortion rights in Morocco and the urgent need for legislative change.

Fighting to Exist: LGBTQ Organizations in the Maghreb


While much of the Western world has provided legal protections for the LGBTQ community, this is not the case in most of the Islamic world.

Gender, Race and Identity

Participatory Interfaith Dialogue: The Keys to Addressing People’s Needs in Morocco


Interfaith dialogue – the opportunity to voice our histories – can deepen understanding and provide reconciliation between historically antagonistic groups if sought.

Gender, Race and Identity

Interview: U.S. Foreign Diplomacy in the Middle East with Ambassador Edward S. Walker Jr.


JMEPP Levant Editor Kelsey Wise sat down with Former U.S. Ambassador Edward S. Walker Jr., who served in the State Department as Ambassador to Israel, Egypt, and the UAE, as well as Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. The discussion covered U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, especially the changes it has […]

Multilingual education in Morocco: Back to the future?


After 30 years of implementing the Arabization policy, the challenges with language education in Morocco, if not with the education system as a whole, have yet to be fully addressed. To effect true change and movement towards multilingualism, the entire approach towards teaching language must shift from a grammar-oriented approach to a meaningful competencies-based approach.

Education, Training and Labor

Interview with Hicham Alaoui: Trends in North African Politics


Hicham Alaoui, Visiting Fellow at Harvard’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and D.Phil. Candidate at Oxford University, sat down with JMEPP Lead Editor Anna Boots to discuss current trends in North African politics, including Tunisia’s nascent democracy, North Africa’s unique position in the Middle East region, and ongoing protests in Morocco’s Rif.

Satellite view of the Middle East

The glass half empty: Water in the Middle East


The Middle East is an arid region to begin with, but climate change is set to exacerbate the region’s water scarcity.

Environment and Energy
Algeria Morocco border

Smuggling and security on North Africa’s broken borders


North Africa’s troubled borders are havens for smuggling and armed groups. Here’s what can be done to make them more secure.

International Relations and Security
Renewable energy in the UAE

Middle East eyes renewable energy for a post-oil world


The Middle East is home to massive oil reserves, but some countries in the region are making headway in a very different field: renewable energy.

Environment and Energy

President Clinton: The Arab world’s perspective


For Republicans, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s Middle East policy has been a lightning rod. In addition to Clinton’s email scandal, Republicans have frequently criticized positions the former secretary of state took during the 2010-11 Arab Spring uprising and the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The Arab world’s pundits have their […]


Amazigh women take center stage at Boston film festival


Boston’s Amazigh community came together at Lesley University on Saturday for the eighth annual Amazigh Film Festival, a celebration of Amazigh culture through film. The Amazigh are the descendants of the pre-Arab inhabitants of North Africa (they are also colloquially called “Berbers,” though that term is considered pejorative by some). Today, Amazigh people live scattered across North Africa, […]

Gender, Race and Identity

Ban Ki-Moon Has Sparked a Diplomatic Crisis in Western Sahara


Ban Ki-Moon’s criticism of Morocco’s 40-year “occupation” of Western Sahara during his visit to the territory on March 8, 2016 has sparked the most serious crisis in the region in decades. Morocco denounced the Secretary General’s “biased” rhetoric, and “irreversibly” expelled U.N. peacekeepers stationed in Western Sahara. The U.N. Mission for the Referendum in Western […]


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