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Taming Tech Giants Requires Fixing the Revolving Door


Public opinion of big tech is at an all-time low. Just a few years ago, many viewed Silicon Valley as holding the promise to a better world, whereas today its largest companies generate levels of public distrust usually reserved for investment banks. This is good news for those hoping to see public policy in the […]

Vermont’s Chief Export Isn’t Maple Syrup, It’s Civic Engagement


Before my first visit to Vermont last month, I assumed the state’s main exports were Ben & Jerry’s and beer. And though it’s true that I’ll be bringing a pint (or two) of each back home, I’m most excited to be leaving with renewed civic optimism. Vermonters have created a governing climate that’s in scarce […]

Democracy and Governance

The Regional Governance of Genetically Modified Crops: What Does the Future Hold for ECOWAS?


Since the first genetically modified (“GM”), or biotech crop was released onto the market for human consumption in 1994, African countries have been largely adverse to the crops. Only four African countries have, at some point in time, permitted GM crops to enter their markets.[1] However, with the help of the Economic Community of West […]

Development and Economic Growth

Finding an Off-Ramp for Republicans on Presidential Claims of Massive Voter Fraud


BY JAMES PAGANO President Trump continues to struggle to accept his popular vote loss. He again made headlines last week, repeating unsubstantiated claims of massive voter fraud. Although absolutely no evidence supporting his claim exists, President Trump has vowed to open an investigation into the matter. His claims distract from the real election issues facing […]

Upheaval in Palestine and Israel: Occupation and Beyond


It can be argued that the rising escalation in tensions and confrontations between the Israelis and Palestinians over the past two months demonstrates that the Israeli policy of conflict management in order to maintain the status quo in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, has become unsustainable. The results of these policies and practices have marginalized the […]

Human Rights

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