Democratic Party
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‘The Image’ of the Democratic Party: Has U.S Politics Lost its Substance?
Social media has indeed amplified, but still simply carried on, the tradition of American politics that favors appearances over reality.
The Democratic Party Must Commit to African Americans
BY BOB PAYNE A year after the 2016 election, stuck with a scandal-mired President and a Congress pushing an unpopular agenda, the country faces a genuine crisis of confidence in government. Democrats could have stopped this if they delivered their supporters as voters. Instead, they are the minority and out of power. To get back […]
Interview with Governor Michael Dukakis: Shifting Racial Attitudes, Grassroots Organizing, and Public Service
BY JAMES PAGANO To kick off the Kennedy School Review’s special series In the Statehouse, Governor Dukakis spoke with me about what drew him to politics, how racial attitudes in Massachusetts have changed over time, his own advice for policy students interested in state government, and his aspirations for a more united Democratic Party. Michael […]