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Coco and Tourism in Mexico
Walt Disney himself made a research trip to Latin America, named the Goodwill Tour. At the behest of the Roosevelt Administration in 1941, Disney and a team of artists and animators traveled to several Latin American countries to draw inspiration for filmmaking. The culmination of their efforts produced several WWII-era films, including Los Tres Caballeros. […]
Four Steps toward Fostering a High-Performing Culture in Government
BY COLIN MURPHY In the United States, twenty-two million people work in government.[1] These people sweep our streets, educate our children, and protect our borders. So much of our quality of life depends on how well these employees and their teams are working. Government performance—the ability of the people and organizations within government to deliver […]
Cultural Policies for Strengthening Identity and Cohesion in Latin America
Thanks to its history, the Latin American reality is peculiar and unique. The Latin America in existence today is a product of its past, starting with the miscegenation, or racial blending, that occurred along with acculturation in the Mesoamerica and Andean regions. Additionally, it is a clear example of transculturation. Latin America was built from […]